Kelly Hodge fiction

Creator of the Billy Beckett series of crime adventure novels

The games we play

With Break Point off and running as of Friday, I’ve already been asked a few times about using a tennis player as one of the lead characters. The best reason, I suppose, is that I’m fascinated by the athleticism and drama at the highest levels of the game. As I watched the recent U.S. Open, which ended with a couple of teen-agers in the women’s final, that only became more apparent. The action was riveting, and one can imagine the backstories that were in play.

In the case of Simon Shay, I could easily envision the kid basking in that global spotlight. Or at least having the ability to do so, if only he could get his life in order and overcome the troubles that have been placed in his way. It’s a recurring theme in the Billy Beckett series — young athletes capable of great feats but leading star-crossed lives. They are often their own worst enemies, and it’s up to Billy to guide, and often rescue, them. There’s an element of lawlessness and danger that complicates the struggle throughout.

I can see that struggle growing. The sports backdrop, whatever it may be, offers all sorts of possibilities moving forward. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the music side of Billy’s business — with Claire in the lead — becomes more prominent as well. There is much left to explore.
